پیام جدید از طرف "نیکاتیس ارگانیک"
=D9=86=D8=A7=D9=85: Zoe Wolff=D8=A2=D8=AF=D8=B1=D8=B3 =D8=A7=DB=8C=D9=85=DB=8C=D9=84: roland@effortl=
=D9=BE=DB=8C=D8=A7=D9=85: Hi,
I hope this=
message finds you well. I'm reaching out to you on behalf of our compa=
ny. We understand that you, like many other website owners, are concerned a=
bout the legal implications of ADA compliance.
It has come to our =
attention that your website may not be ADA compliant, which could potential=
ly lead to severe financial penalties. However, before you panic, let me cl=
arify that this message is not from an attorney. We are a team of ADA compl=
iance experts who specialize in helping businesses like yours avoid the hef=
ty fines associated with non-compliance.
The Americans with Disabi=
lities Act (ADA) requires that websites be accessible to people with disabi=
lities. Failure to meet these standards could result in legal action and su=
bstantial fines. Our software widget is designed to ensure that your websit=
e meets ADA compliance standards, protecting you from potential legal conse=
By implementing our widget, you can proactively safeguard=
your business from the risk of costly litigation and, more importantly, en=
sure that your website is inclusive and accessible to all users.
earn how you can secure peace of mind knowing you're protected by visit=
ing: https://effortlessaccessibility.org.
Thank you for your atten=
tion, and I look forward to the opportunity to assist you in achieving ADA =
compliance without the fear of legal repercussions.
Best rega=
Roland Gambon
Phone: 661-333-7821
Email: roland@eff=
P.S. And to help you out, there is =
an ADA tax credit that the government is going to give you just for being A=
DA compliant! Go here now to take advantage of this: https://effortlessac=
=D8=AA=D8=A7=D8=B1=DB=8C=D8=AE: 1403/=
=D8=B2=D9=85=D8=A7=D9=86: 10:12 =D9=82.=D8=B8
URL =D8=A8=D8=
=B1=DA=AF=D9=87: https://nikatiss.com/contact-us/
User Agent: Mozilla/5=
.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chr=
ome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/89.0.4447.51
Remote IP: =DA=AF=D8=B1=D9=81=D8=AA=D9=87 =D8=A7=D8=B2: =
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